The Year 8 Options Process
Students must choose six subjects to study in Year 9. This then leads to further choices for Years 10 and 11, when students will choose three subjects to study. A subject must be taken in Year 9 in order to be studied in Years 10 and 11.
Please be aware that students may change their minds so it’s important not to shut any doors and to study a broad and balanced curriculum. Students should think about where they want to be at the end of Years 9, 11 and 13.
Students should choose subjects that they will enjoy and will be successful in.
Qualification Pathways
It is important for your child to understand that the options selected in Year 8 will lead to either a GCSE or an Applied qualification in Years 10 and 11. The Year 9 foundation year will provide skills and subject knowledge that will enable your child to be successful within their chosen pathway.
GCSE - A national qualification graded 9 to 1
Applied Qualifications - These are Level 2 courses which allow students to be more practical and hands on than in conventional GCSEs and are suited to students who might be talented in a particular area. Level 2 courses are equivalent to one GCSE and are assessed at Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*
Supporting your child
One of the most important parts of this process is the opportunity for your child to discuss with you and their teachers the subjects that they wish to study in the future and to consider potential careers
Whilst we will be supporting them in providing information about subjects in school, it would be greatly appreciated if you could find the time to speak with them about their ambitions and the suitability of their course choices
Students need to be aware of what their courses could lead to after Year 9, i.e. the progression through Years 10 and 11 and then into the Sixth Form and beyond. To support you with this, we recommend that you refer to Sixth Form section of the school website
Key Dates
Important dates over the next couple of weeks for you to be aware of in supporting your child to make the right choices for Year 9.