Open Morning 2015

Highfields School welcomes hundreds of visitors to its Open Morning


Hundreds of prospective pupils and parents flocked to Highfields School for its annual Open Morning, where they got a glimpse of its state-of-the-art facilities and took part in a host of interactive workshops and activities.

Hands-on scientific experiments, Guitar Hero music challenges, a Dragons Den-style enterprise competition, pizza making demonstrations, drama performances and law quizzes were among the many activities staged for the 600 visitors throughout the day. A Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning was also held as part of the event, which raised £214 for the cause.

Headteacher Mark Capel said: “It was our busiest Open Morning yet and the feedback we have received from prospective parents and pupils has been fantastic.

“We had a lot going on around school and it was great to be able to give so many visitors a glimpse at the many things we do at Highfields.

“It was also really encouraging to have so many students volunteering to help out on the day. More than 255 students gave up their Saturday morning to volunteer, with many parents commenting on how articulate and polite they were.

“The core principles of Highfields are to provide youngsters with a high quality education, an engaging curriculum and a wide range of extra-curricular activities to enrich their learning experiences. The Open Morning perfectly captured the ethos of our school.”

Posted on October 5, 2015 .