Year 6

Welcome to Highfields.

We want your child to be happy, successful and to play their part in our community. There will be lots of opportunities for them to meet new people and achieve their full potential. 

Please click here for the Year 6 Welcome Presentation. The Year 7 Welcome Presentation can be found below.

Ms J Parker - Head of Lower School.

Year 7 Welcome


Year 7 Team

There is always someone here to help you at Highfields. The roles of the Year Manager, Assistant Year Manager and Raising Achievement Manager are vital in supporting students in school with any social, emotional, behavioural and medical needs. They are non-teaching members of staff and are available in the Year Office throughout the day. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Year Team by email to or call 01902 556530.

Mrs S Edwards
Year 7 Manager

Mr R Mason
Assistant Year 7 Manger

Mrs K Francis
Year 8 Manger

Mr M Fanthom
Raising Achievement Manager


Mr P Rose

Mrs A Bates
Designated Safeguarding Lead


Your child will also have a Form Tutor who sees them every morning for registration.


Will my child have a locker?

All students are allocated a locker and given a key when they arrive at Highfields. If they lose their key they will have to pay for a replacement.

Are mobile phones allowed in school?

Mobile phones should be kept in lockers and turned off by 8.15am. The phone will be confiscated if your child is caught using their phone in school after this time.

Can my child cycle to school?

There are cycle storage spaces at the front of school. Students must ensure they lock their bicycle securely with their own substantial lock.

What equipment does my child need each day?

Their school laptop, which must be fully charged.

A pencil case containing a blue or black pen, a range of colour pens, a ruler and pencils.

A scientific calculator, we recommend Casio fx - 83GT CW. These can be purchased from school through ParentPay.

Will my child be set?

We will group students by ability in Mathematics, English and Physical education during the Autumn Term. Grouping by ability becomes more pronounced as students move throughout the school. All of the Year 7 subjects and the curriculum can be viewed on our Curriculum page.

Lost Property

Please ensure that every item of clothing is labelled with your child’s name in case they should lose it. Any lost items will be taken to Lost Property in Reception.

Student Details

To access MCAS (My Child At School) you will receive an email from: with details on how to set up your account. Please could you login and update your details as soon as you are able to, especially adding as many contacts and emergency contacts as possible. Our Admission Guide explains why and how we hold this data. We operate a cashless catering system in school based on a biometric algorithm of your child’s thumbprint and we need your permission to register them ready for their start in September. Click here to view our Parent MCAS Parents Guide, MCAS Parental Consent Tab Guide.


Our school uniform and PE kit is available locally through Lads & Lasses on the Warstones Road. If you currently claim free school meals, we will be able to support you financially with the uniform, you will have received a letter providing you with all the information. Details of all the requirements of our uniform can be found here.