New books prove huge hit with students

Highfields' popular Learning Resource Centres have been given a boost with the purchase of hundreds of new fictional books, which are proving a hit with students.

The school's LRCs provide a quiet learning environment for students to study quietly, complete their homework and read.

Staff said they were delighted to see that since the arrival of the new fiction stock, worth around £1,200, the school's LRCs have become even more popular and book borrowing rates have soared.

Assistant Headteacher Miss H. Dunlop said: "The Learning Resource Centres are well used throughout the school day, particularly at lunchtime and after school.

"It is wonderful to see that borrowing rates have noticeably increased across all key stages since we introduced the new stock.

"There are now hundreds of new titles covering all genres for all key stages.

"To build on this success, fiction stock is constantly being updated and non-fiction stock is being revised to support the curriculum with the assistance of staff from across the year groups."

A new Year 10 LRC Working Group has now been formed to allow students to consult with their peers and to select, review and purchase fiction and non-fiction books.

Posted on November 27, 2015 .