Delight as students offered places at University of Oxford

Two talented scientists of the future are set to join the ranks of the academic elite after being given conditional offers to study at world-famous University of Oxford.

Hanvir Rai and Brian White are busy knuckling down to their studies to gain their predicted top grades and ensure their places at the university, which is ranked the top university in the UK and second in the whole world.

Brian is currently studying Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics at A-Level in Year 13 at Highfields and will go on to complete a degree in Chemistry if he gains the A*-A*-A gradings required for his place at the prestigious university.

The 19-year-old said: “A-Levels have been a lot of work and sometimes stressful but I am getting on with it and getting it done.

“I was really pleased to have been given the offer to Oxford but then the reality sank in of the grades I need to get to ensure my place. I’m pretty confident I will do it and am working hard."

The talented young scientist - whose fellow students broke into a spontaneous round of applause after he was given the offer - added: “I am thinking of a career in industry or maybe research because that seems really interesting. Once I start my degree, we'll see how it goes from there."


Hanvir, who is currently studying Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A-Level, has been given a conditional offer for Mechanical Engineering at the university.

He said: "I have found my A-Levels really challenging, yet rewarding and very interesting at the same time. 

"I am unsure yet exactly what field I want to go into after my degree but I am interested in the concepts of driverless cars and robots and am just really pleased to have been offered a place at Oxford. My family were really happy."

Hanvir's offer at the university is also based on him getting A*-A*-A gradings at A-Level - but he is confident of reaching his goal after achieving a fantastic 295/300 score at AS-Level Mathematics.


Posted on January 18, 2016 .