Students see science in action during Oxford trip

Talented young scientists from Highfields got an insight into the vital work being done to develop cancer treatments during a trip to Oxford University.

Nine students visited the Department of Oncology, where they received a tutorial from Dr Martin Christlieb.

Students learnt more about the ways cancer cells differ from normal cells and therefore some of the challenges that come with developing treatments.

They also got the chance to tour the university’s research labs, see cutting-edge science in action and question an Oxford academic.

Head of Maths & Science Learning School, Mr A Dean, who organised the trip, said: “The lab has a number of scientists working together to better understand cancer and to develop new treatments.

“In addition to learning about the many ways that cancer cells are different from normal cells, we learnt some more unusual facts including that “oncology” means the study of lumps.

“We then had a guided tour of Keble College where we were fortunate enough to see areas normally off limits to the public such as the college library. 

“Lastly we looked around the university science museum, including a preserved bear, dinosaur skeletons and the chance to hold one of the oldest things in existence on Earth, a 3.6 billion year old rock.

“Overall it was a very interesting day and it encouraged students to think more widely about possible degrees and careers in science.”

Posted on July 20, 2018 .