On January 6th and 7th staff participated in 2 CPD sessions to develop their professional learning about the ‘Science of Learning’ and how this underpins the 4Rs at Highfields.
The first session, led by Dr Taylor (Lead Practitioner) and Mr Hegarty (Head of Social Science) explained to staff how cognitive psychology informs classroom practice and the second session led by Ms Downer (Senior Lead Practitioner) explained to staff the principles of the 4Rs and how these translate into classroom practice to support student’s retrieval skills
As part of the session led by Ms Downer, Mr King, Miss Harrison and Mr Rowley showcased some excellent practice to colleagues about how they had begun to implement the 4Rs in their curriculum.
Both sessions built on CPD from September 2019 and staff will have further opportunities this year to work collaboratively to continue to integrate the 4Rs into their curriculum.
The feedback from staff about the CPD was extremely positive:
“This CPD was exceptionally inspiring. I felt proud to be part of Highfields and such innovative curriculum planning and came away feeling excited for the future opportunities and benefits for our student. In a nutshell, this is exactly what CPD should look and feel like!”
“Really well conceived and delivered. It is already making people think about how they are organising and presenting their lessons.”
“Very useful. The delivery was informative and interesting. Good to see that much of what was discussed is already being done, it just needs resources being explicitly linked to 4Rs.”
“The staff who lead the CPD where very clear in demonstrating the 4Rs. Well done to all.”