Highfields marks National Careers Week 2021


Students will be looking forward to the future as Highfields marks National Careers Week 2021.

Although lockdown restrictions mean the school cannot mark the event in its usual style, students will be encouraged to look ahead to life after school by learning more about the career opportunities available to them throughout the week.

A special assembly looking at local market information from the Department for Work and Pensions will be sent out to students from Years 9-11 to watch from home while teachers from across the school will be including careers-related activities in their lessons.

Students are also being given the opportunity to visit a virtual careers fair here during the week.

The annual National Careers Week (NCW) is a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK with the aim of supporting young people leaving education for the future.

Highfields is committed to providing all students with careers advice and support to enable them to reach their career dreams. Each year the school hosts a packed programme of activities, workshops, trips and presentations to mark the national event, as well as a careers fair featuring dozens of employers, university representatives and apprenticeship providers.

Mr P Rose, Highfields’ Head of Middle School and Careers Leader, said: “Due to coronavirus restrictions and lockdown we are unfortunately unable to host our usual packed programme of activities, events, talks and trips to mark National Careers Week, but we are still committed to providing our students with inspiration for the future.

“We will be encouraging students from all year groups to look forward to the future and learn more about the opportunities available to them after school, giving them an insight into the range of pathways they can take to fulfil their career dreams.”

Students can request a Careers Interview by emailing careerguidance@hswv.co.uk

Posted on February 28, 2021 .