Students showcase Windrush performances

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Performing Arts students have showcased their drama, dance and musical performances exploring migration, racism and prejudice.

Year 9 students created their pieces as part of a creative collaboration with Wolverhampton’s acclaimed Gazebo Theatre company looking into the Windrush generation.

Students’ performances were inspired by a live-streamed workshop run by the theatre company, which saw professional actor Jannette Barrett get into character as ‘Connie’, who travelled to the UK from Jamaica during the Windrush era in the 1940s.

The event is part of the theatre company’s More Than A Moment project, which is enabling students across the region to explore the important themes around migration, and the prejudice experienced by people in the UK.

They looked into the themes through dance, drama and music - with some producing contemporary dance pieces and others getting into character to learn more about the experiences of those who came to England from Jamaica as part of the Windrush generation. Music students also performed their rendition of Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds.

Find out more about the project here

Watch their performances below:

Posted on April 13, 2021 .