The BBC at Highfields sharing their stories

‘BBC100 Share Your Story’ is part of the BBC’s centenary celebrations, where they have visited around 400 secondary schools across the UK, reaching  approx. 400,000 students. In each session BBC Ambassadors share their inspirational journey with students, in a bid to inspire them through the power of storytelling.

Hosted by BBC Radio 1Xtra presenter, Nick Bright, BBC Ambassadors shared their true stories with students, talking about something that they have been through and overcome. Students then had the opportunity to ask questions and to find out more about our ambassadors including their story and career. Students also had the chance to share their own stories in the sessions as part of BBC Young Reporter. The sessions were developed to support the Citizenship curriculum in goal setting and overcoming obstacles and benefits the English curriculum through the power of storytelling.

Mr Rose, Careers Lead, who organised the event said, ‘It was great to have the BBC come into school, the students really engaged with the sessions and asked lots of questions. These types of visits allow our students to explore different job sectors by giving them the opportunity to ask questions to those in the industry. It has really inspired our young people to to share their own story and look into jobs in journalism and media.’

 For more information about the BBC Young Reporter competition please click here.

Posted on November 18, 2022 .