Students wow audiences with magical musical

The Lower School production of ‘Aladdin Jr’ was an eagerly anticipated affair, with a considerably longer rehearsal period than expected due to Covid restrictions.  Undeterred however, the production team embraced this opportunity to include so many new Year 7 students to the school – and they certainly did not disappoint!

‘Aladdin Jr’ is quite possibly the liveliest of the Lower School productions Highfields has produced so far. With show numbers like ‘Friend Like Me’ and ‘One Jump’. The soundtrack is well known and loved by children and adults alike. 

Ms Bishop, Director of Performance said, ‘It was a visually spectacular show, with the Lyceum being transformed into an Arabian Palace. A big thank you to the Art Department and talented Art students getting involved with painting pieces of set and making props.’

Ms Bishop went on to say, ‘Audiences were clearly thrilled by the performances and the students did themselves proud with very mature and accomplished performances and some real comedic moments too, particularly from Henry Shore as Iago and Heath Beech as Jafar.’

Most of the principal roles were double cast to ensure opportunities were available to as many students as possible. The Genies, expertly played by Millie Rutter and Skyla Williams narrated the show and both gave outstanding performances, leading a hugely talented cast of over 40 students.

Audience members were in awe of the stunning magic carpet scene when ‘A Whole New World’ was sung beautifully by Santana Aspinall and Oscar Timmins on the Wednesday and Thursday, and Lauren Weir and Anika Patel on the Tuesday and Friday.  This song was made all the more spectacular as they were singing on a real magic carpet that the production team had hired. This was certainly a magical moment which left the audiences amazed!

Posted on March 1, 2022 .