Climate Change Collaboration

Year 9 have been working on a collaboration project linking to climate change. They spent time researching their chosen topic by looking into activist such as Greta Thunberg and Sir David Attenborough, people they felt engaged and inspired by in order to create a powerful dance piece. 

Students worked in small groups to portray different ideas such as the 4 elements, current ways to make a change and the impact on future generations.

Some students took inspiration from KQED Arts with the idea of creating an outside-indoor environment with the use of green confetti before taking the piece to be performed outside. They worked hard to create and modify the dance to suit the performance environment.

Storyboards were created to portray ideas on how each section of the choreography would piece together, building to the climax section where all dancers performed in unison.

Miss Weblin, Dance Teacher said, “All of the students worked very hard to make sure their timing was correct. They all chose a still pose to end the dance to show the impact climate change will have, which was very effective.”


Posted on May 27, 2022 .