Ex-students celebrate at Gold DofE Awards ceremony

Achieving your Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a big deal as it shows you have the skills, determination, and mentality to really succeed.  All young people who achieve a Gold Award are invited to a Gold Award celebration event at a Royal Palace, attended by a Member of The Royal Family.

Over the last couple of years, a number of Highfields students carried out their Gold award, which involves volunteering, learning a new skill, completing a physical activity and going on a residential. Not forgetting the challenging 3-night 4-day expedition. The students completed their award earlier on in the year, therefore, it was their turn to be awarded.

The presentation took place in the gardens of Buckingham Palace and students were a part of a group of approximately 50 Gold Award holders. The ex-highfields students who attended were Hannah Griffiths, Jessica Drew, Sanar Nisar, Amreeta Kaur-Gill, Amarpreet Singh, Jindveer Khangura, Vishal Patel and Emily Walker.

Mr Moody, DofE Manager, said “This was a very special reward for all their efforts over their DofE journey that had been delayed because of the pandemic. They should all be very proud of their commitment and effort in their personal development whilst completing their award and I’m personally very privileged to have led them through their award and wish them all the best in the future.”

Posted on May 27, 2022 .