Year 11 girls shine in British Art Show

Jaspreet Sandhu and Shaan Bahia from Year 11 played the roles of two young Indian girls in the short sketch Wouldn’t Be Seen Dead in That (Amarjit Nar) as part of a British Art Show 9 presentation.

The presentation was linked to the work of artist Caroline Walker whose portraits include working women. It told the stories of working class South-East Asian women machinists in 1970s/80s Britain, at a time of high unemployment when women became the breadwinners. The role these women played in the British fashion industry is fast being forgotten. Many women sewed for high street stores and garments included the fashionable Parka coat featured in the sketch.  

Wouldn’t Be Seen Dead in That shows a younger generation, oblivious to the vital role of these invisible women in the household and how they viewed little jobs like turning pockets inside out as tedious chores. The sketch finishes on an ironic note, with the girls wearing fashionable coats which evolved from the original Parka coats that were afforded from invisible income. 

Ms Bishop, Director of Performance, said, "It was a great opportunity for the students to be involved in such a high profile arts project. It was a really vibrant and exciting event. Jaspreet and Shaan both performed with such confidence and ease, I am very proud of them both!'

Posted on May 6, 2022 .