SEND Provision 

At Highfields we are proud of our diverse school community and remain committed to ensuring opportunity and success for all. We value the ability and achievements of all students. We have high expectations and set meaningful, challenging targets to raise the attainment and progress of everyone. Provision for students with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is recognised as a whole school responsibility.

Our SEND Team




SENDCO Mrs A Bates


Miss J Home

At Highfields we will: 

  • Support students with SEND and fulfil the requirements of The Disability Act (2005) and The Equality Act (2010)

  • Challenge discrimination for all and endeavour to create an environment that is free from discrimination

  • Ensure all students, regardless of need, have an entitlement and right to access a high quality education delivered through a balanced, relevant and personalised curriculum

  • Aim to identify, make provision and make reasonable adjustments where possible for students with SEND

  • Recognise that provision for students with SEND is a whole school responsibility

  • Aim to create and maintain awareness within the school of the needs of students with SEND so all members of the school community share the responsibilities throughout the curriculum

  • Ensure that all teachers are teachers of SEND

  • Ensure that what constitutes good practice for students with SEND is good practice for all students

  • Recognise your value as Parents/Carers in supporting your children and look to engage you in planning to meet their needs

  • Also recognise that children’s SEND are on a continuum and may change over time


SEND Support during Remote Learning

We hope that you are safe and well during these difficult times. We are very proud of how well our students with SEND are managing and working as we find ourselves in a new lockdown.

We fully appreciate that remote learning is difficult for a number of students, particularly those with SEND. We have therefore updated the SEND section of our website to offer strategies and tips to help your child whilst they are working remotely at home.

We have a dedicated SEND Team at Highfields who are available to offer support and advice regarding your child’s SEND. Our Teaching Assistants are continuing to support students in lessons and are also using break out rooms to offer pre-teaching and to consolidate learning. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns or you would like to discuss your child’s SEND.


Strategies to support your child

Please see on the right a video that outlines strategies that your child can use when working on Microsoft Word and the internet.

Microsoft + Made by Dyslexia - Helping students with dyslexia thrive with technologyInformation and strategies to support any student with Dyslexia whilst they are working in Microsoft.

Regulating Sensory Activities - If your child is struggling to concentrate, then please encourage them to follow activities outlined within this document. Staff will also be using these activities within lessons to improve concentration.

Home Learning Support - Wolverhampton Council’s Local Offer have also listed a range of resources and services that support remote learning.

Inclusion support & outreach service: Consultation service for parents/carers (Download) - The City of Wolverhampton Council’s Inclusion Support Service and Outreach Service are offering a free consultation service to help support your child during lockdown. This team consists of the Educational Psychology Service, Specialist Learning Support Service, Officers who support with Education Welfare and the inclusion of vulnerable pupils, Counsellors, The Virtual School team, and The Outreach Service.

Areas you may wish to discuss or explore with this team could include:

  • Impacts of transition from school to home learning

  • How do I support my child’s learning, social and emotional needs whilst they are at home

  • How do I promote positive behaviour

  • How do I support my child who is anxious or worried about the changes and implications of the coronavirus

  • How can I support children who may be missing friends and school staff

  • Impacts on family relationships

  • Promoting emotional well being and positive mental health for my family

  • Supporting children or young people with uncertainty regarding endings e.g. children not returning to nursery, pupils in Year 6, Year 11 or Year 13

If you feel that this service would be beneficial then please follow this link to access the referral form within the document.

Our latest reports:

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or telephone on 01902 556530. Any complaints should be directed to the Year Team in the first instance. Should the matter fail to be resolved the issue can be dealt with through the school's Complaints Procedure: