Support after Sixth Form
Tips for starting university
Top 10 tips for starting at university - Graduates and older students share their top tips for starting at university
10 things to do before starting university - Creating a university checklist and knowing exactly what needs to be done and when is a good way to help you get organised.
The Student Room Uni Guides - 100s of University forums
Budgeting tips
UCAS: Student Budgeting Tips - Find out how to budget and save money while studying, to help your student loan go further
Saving £’s
Money Saving Expert Student Guide - A checklist with over 50 quick tips to help get you through university or college without a serious debt hangover
General information - Find out everything you need to know about Apprenticeships
UCAS: Apprenticeships - Understanding apprenticeships guide
Find an apprenticeship - Apply for an Apprenticeship
Mental Wellbeing
NHS: Mental Health - Find information and support for your mental health
Mind: Mental Health - Explains what mental health problems are, what may cause them, and the many different kinds of help, treatment and support that are available. Also provides guidance on where to find more information, and tips for friends and family.