Welcome to Upper School

Welcome to Upper School, home to Year 11 students and more commonly known as the ‘School of Achievers’ as a result of our students' outstanding GCSE success and achievement year on year.

Year 11 is perhaps your child’s most important school year to date. It is one of incredible opportunities, important decisions and real challenge. It is in this year that students undertake work experience, sit their GCSEs, plan their post-16 choices and, of course, look forward to rewards, success and the social pinnacle of their whole school life - the Year 11 Prom!

The Year 11 Team will be with your child (and you) every step of the way, ensuring that your child receives the support, guidance and encouragement needed to help them to be successful, engage beyond the curriculum and develop into mature young responsible adults ready for their future choices. 

For all letter and publications regarding students in Upper School please visit our Letters and Publications Page.

Head of Upper School
Mr D Treble dtreble@hswv.co.uk

Year 11 Manager
Miss C Rees crees@hswv.co.uk

Raising Achievement Manager
Mr C Rhodes crhodes@hswv.co.uk

Academic Guidance Manager
Mrs B Harrison bharrison@hswv.co.uk

Year 10 Extended Learning Timetable

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