Youth Violence


A gang is a street-based group of young people who engage in a range of criminal activity and violence. They may also identify with or lay claim over territory, have some form of identifying structure feature, and/or are in conflict with other, similar gangs.

County Lines

County lines is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs using dedicated mobile phone lines or other form of “deal line”. This activity can happen locally as well as across the UK - no specified distance of travel is required.

Children and vulnerable adults are exploited to move, store and sell drugs and money. Offenders will often use coercion, intimidation, violence (including sexual violence) and weapons to ensure compliance of victims.

Children can be targeted and recruited into county lines in a number of locations including any type of schools (including special schools), further and higher educational institutions, pupil referral units, children’s homes and care homes. Children are also increasingly being targeted and recruited online using social media. Children can easily become trapped by this type of exploitation as county lines gangs can manufacture drug debts which need to be worked off or threaten serious violence and kidnap towards victims (and their families) if they attempt to leave the county lines network.

Knife Crime

Knife crime, is any crime that involves a sharp or bladed instrument, and can include anything from a kitchen knife or piece of glass to a potato peeler or a knitting needle. Knife crime can range from threat of violence, where someone is carrying a sharp or bladed instrument to someone who receives an injury as a result of a sharp object or bladed instrument.

Many of those who carry knifes say initially they carried them for their own protection. Evidence shows that those who carry knives for their own protection are more likely to become a victim as a result and the knife can be turned on them. Some young people carry knifes as they fear gangs and they believe it will help to keep them safe.

What to look out for:

  • Frequently absent from and under performing in school

  • Going missing from home, staying out late and travelling for unexplained reasons

  • Hanging out with people older than them

  • Being angry, aggressive or violent

  • Being isolated or withdrawn

  • Having unexplained money and buying new things

  • Wearing clothes or accessories in gang colours or getting tattoos

  • Using new slang words

  • Spending more time on social media and being secretive about time online

  • Making more calls or sending more texts, possibly on a new phone or phones

  • Self-harming and feeling emotionally unwell

  • Taking drugs and abusing alcohol

  • Committing petty crimes like shop lifting or vandalism

  • Unexplained injuries and refusing to seek medical help

  • Carrying weapons or having a dangerous breed of dog

Support Available

If you have any concerns regarding Youth Violence then please speak to a member of The Safeguarding Team. The Team will support students who are or at risk of CCE and offer advice and support to parents/ carers.