Course Choice Process

The purpose of the ‘Moving Forward Event’ is to guide you and your child in making the best choices for the future. Your child will receive a great deal of support and guidance aimed at making sure that they make the best choices:

  • Moving Forward Event and Unifrog launch giving students information, advice and guidance about the opportunities available

  • The Careers Fair and Course Choice evening provides student and parents with access to local and national employers, apprenticeship providers and Higher Education. It also provides the opportunity for parents/carers to talk to teachers face-to-face about courses and educational pathways.

  • CEIAG week is an opportunity for students to continue researching subjects and career pathways in Option and Core subjects

Advice for students on choosing subjects

  • Make sure that you have a clear plan for your future. Ensure that you know what qualifications are needed for the careers you are interested in

  • Try to avoid choosing a subject because of a particular teacher – you might very well have a different teacher in Key Stage 4

  • Choosing subjects based on your friends’ choices is also a bad idea. It is unlikely that you will be in the same class next year. This is about your future

  • Discuss your ideas with your parents and teachers. An appointment can also be made for you to see one of our Careers Advisors. They can provide you with advice on careers and opportunities

Qualification Pathways

  • GCSE - A national qualification graded 9 to 1

  • Applied Qualifications - These are level 2 courses which allow students to be more practical and hands on than in conventional GCSEs and are suited to students who might be talented in a particular area.  Level 2 courses are equivalent to 1 GCSE and are assessed at Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*


The following are possible options combinations from the free choice element:

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The Choice

Your child’s study at Key Stage 4 breaks down into two elements – Core subjects and Options subjects

The Core are those subjects that must be studied:-

  • English – Language and Literature

  • Mathematics

  • Science – Biology, Chemistry, Physics

  • Citizenship

In order to ensure students have a broad and balanced curriculum, we offer them three choices for their options. Students have a free choice across the subject spectrum. 

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The English Baccalaureate (EBACC) Pathway

The EBACC is not an essential pathway but it is an important choice for some top universities, DfE and Government.  It is an academic route providing balanced academic choices.

The EBACC is made up of:

  • English Language

  • Mathematics

  • Two Sciences (two from Computer Science / Biology / Chemistry / Physics)

  • A Humanities subject (History / Geography)

  • A Language subject (French / Spanish)

The EBACC is a useful pathway and can be seen as an advantage for those looking to:

  • Follow an academic route at University

  • Attend a Top 20 University

  • Further a career in Law, Medicine, Veterinary Science or Journalism where there is fierce competition

Whats next?


*The Preliminary Course Choice Survey will be sent to your child on Friday 7th February. Please complete with your child and return by Monday 24th February at 12:00pm.