Welcome to our Year 9 Moving Forward Event 2025.
We are extremely excited to welcome parents and carers to our 2025 Course Choice evening here at Highfields School.
Choosing what to study in Key Stage 4 can be very exciting but we recognise it can also be a daunting prospect for many young people. It can be a confusing and challenging time as they come to terms with making big decisions and deciding on what to do and what not to do.
To help your child make the very best decisions for them, we would ask that you:
Carefully discuss possible choices with your child and encourage them to think about what they might want to do in the future. The Moving Forward pages here provide a starting point and are designed to answer some of the questions you may have.
Help them to find out as much information as possible about all of the options available to your child.
Contact myself, your child’s Form Tutor or a member of the Year Team if you require any further information.
The process of supporting your child in making their choices of Key Stage 4 courses can be difficult as the world of education is constantly changing, especially in the current climate. I hope that this process helps to make those choices a little easier so that your child can ‘Move Forward’ in the right direction for their future career pathway. I hope you will join us on the evening to explore our Course Choices and Careers Fair. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Mrs Brickwood - Head of Middle School
Mrs A Lea
Assistant Year Manager alea@hswv.co.uk
Mrs S Virdi
Assistant Year Manager svirdi@hswv.co.uk
Miss S Brough
Raising Achievement Manager sbrough@hswv.co.uk
Questions & Feedback
We hope you have enjoyed exploring our Moving Forward Event page. If you have any further questions please complete the form below and we will direct your question to the most relevant member of staff. Additionally, we would appreciate any feedback you may have.