Exam Results Options Information

Congratulations on completing your exams, we hope you have a lovely summer and wish you the best of luck for the future.

If you are not satisfied with your exam results, below are some of the options available to you. Some of these include getting a review of marking for your papers. These options may likely incur a fee, however, in some circumstances school cover this cost. We strongly recommend you contact your year team for advice before making an application for one of the services below.

Please also read the information below and then click here to complete the consent form.

There is a priority service for A-Level students whose university place is dependent on their results.

Access to Scripts

You can request a copy of your script to help you decide whether to submit a review or not. Consent must be given and there is a cost of £0 - £14 depending on the exam board.

Deadline: Monday 5th September

Service 1 - Clerical Recheck

This is a recheck of all clerical procedures leading to the issue of a result. This will include:

  • That all parts of the script have been marked

  • The totaling of marks

  • The recording of marks

The outcome will be recorded along with a statement of the total marks awarded for each unit or component included in the enquiry. The fee for this is between £8 -£12 depending on the exam board and your consent is required.

Deadline for this is Thursday 15th September

(Deadline for completion is within 10 working days of awarding body receiving the request) 


Service 2 – Review of Marking

This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the mark scheme has been applied correctly. A marking error can occur because of:

  • An administrative error;

  • A failure to apply the mark scheme where a task has only a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer;

  • An unreasonable exercise of academic judgement.

The awarding body will train its reviewers to conduct reviews of marking accurately and consistently. Reviewers will not re-mark the script. They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking.

This service will include:

  • The clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1

  • A review of marking as described above

Your consent is required and the fee is between £35.35 and £54.25.

Deadline for this is Thursday 15th September

Once the outcome of any of the above requests have come back, you are entitled to appeal if you are not happy with the decision. The appeal must be made in writing and clearly state the grounds for appeal. This then needs to be submitted by the Head of Centre. The awarding bodies may charge for this, however, this will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.

If you have any questions regarding your results or any of the information above you can contact the Exams Officer by email (dgreen@hswv.co.uk) or visit the Exams Office in school on Thursday 25th August 8:30am – 12pm or Friday 26th August 9am – 11am.

The Exams Officer will then be available from Monday 5th September as normal.

Access to Scripts

You can request a copy of your script to help you decide whether to submit a review or not. Your consent is required and there is a cost of £0 - £14 depending on the exam board.

Deadlines: Friday 26 August


Priority Access to Scripts

As above processed as a priority. Your consent is required and there is a cost of £0 - £14 depending on the exam board.

Deadline: Friday 19th August


Service 1 - Clerical Recheck

This is a recheck of all clerical procedures leading to the issue of a result. This will include:

  • That all parts of the script have been marked

  • The totaling of marks

  • The recording of marks

The outcome of this will be recorded along with a statement of the total marks awarded for each unit or component included in the enquiry. There is a fee of between £8 -£19.50 depending on the exam board and your consent is required.

Deadline: Thursday 15th September

(Deadline for completion is within 10 working days of awarding body receiving the request) 


Service 2 – Review of Marking

This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the mark scheme has been applied correctly. A marking error can occur because of:

  • An administrative error;

  • A failure to apply the mark scheme where a task has only a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer;

  • An unreasonable exercise of academic judgement.

The awarding body will train its reviewers to conduct reviews of marking accurately and consistently. Reviewers will not re-mark the script. They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking.

This service will include:

  • The clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1

  • A review of marking as described above

Your consent is required and the fee is between £35.35 and £54.25 depending on the exam board.

Deadline: Thursday 15th September

Priority – Review of Marking

As above processed as a priority. Consent must be obtained and the fee is between £44.40 and £66.75 depending on the exam board.

Deadline: Wednesday 24th August

Once the outcome of any of the above requests have come back, you are entitled to appeal if you are not happy with the decision. The appeal must be made in writing and clearly state the grounds for appeal. This then needs to be submitted by the Head of Centre. The awarding bodies may charge for this, however, this will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.

If you have any questions regarding your results or any of the information above you can contact the Exams Officer by email (dgreen@hswv.co.uk) or visit the Exams Office in school at the following times:

  • Thursday 18th August 8:30am – 12pm

  • Friday 19th August 9am – 11am

  • Thursday 25th August 8:30am – 12pm

  • Friday 26th August 9am – 11am.

The Exams Officer will then be available from Monday 5th September as normal.