Helping your child prepare for their Year 11 Exams

“Parental support is eight times more important in determining a child’s success than social class, according to a new study….. (The Campaign for Learning) at GCSE”
— Times Education Supplement

Year 11 is a crucial year for your child as they prepare for the challenging summer examinations whilst also paving the way for their Post-16 destinations, whatever they may be. 

We appreciate how important your role is, as a parent/carer of a Year 11 student, in supporting your child over the coming weeks. To help you with this, below you will find the following information:

Revision Resources

Revision Strategies

Top Tips for Parents

Scheduling Revision

Summer Exams

Exam Revision - Weekly Guides

(Due May)

Please find below, direct links to detailed ‘How to Revise Guides’ for each subject, along with subject specific resources. Please note an Office 365 login will be required to access the subject specific resources.

How to Revise Guides

Subject Revision Resources

An essential stage in the revision process is to ‘Reduce’ content learnt into more manageable chunks. Please find below recorded presentations which describe the most recommended strategies and how they should be used.


Purposeful environment to work in

  • Provide a space for your child to work to be able to work free of distractions

  • Organise their resources and return to them as and when needed

  • This may be at a desk, dining table or study, whichever is appropriate for your circumstances

  • Be considerate of what could distract your child during their planned revision slots

Be actively involved

  • Agree and plan out revision together

  • Quiz your child on their resources. Flashcards and mind maps work really well for this

  • Be knowledgeable about the revision strategies that are recommended (videos above)

  • Consider/plan social events and family time around your child's revision

Stay positive and be realistic

  • It's important that your child stays positive throughout the exams

  • Do not dwell on exams that have been sat and focus on ones to come

  • Reward and praise when your child is working and revising well

  • It may not always be possible to stick to your agreed revision timetable and that's ok. As long as they are sticking to it most of the time

Keep a consistent routine

  • It's important that your child is getting enough sleep. Establishing a good sleep pattern now is crucial

  • Regular exercise is also important. A simple walk in the fresh air can help detract from the pressures of the exam season

  • Maintaining a balanced diet helps the brain function properly. An exam breakfast will be provided at 8am every morning during the summer exam season

Scheduling revision and engaging in extended learning

  • Planning out revision allows you and your child to monitor their progress and ensure all topics have been covered before an exam. A copy of a revision calendar can be found above

  • Encourage your child to attend all available extended learning opportunities. These include Saturday Schools, Extended Learning Timetable, Easter School revision and School-Led Tutoring

Speak to the school

  • The Year Team is always available should you have any concerns about how your child is managing their workload

  • The school has a dedicated Emotional Health and Wellbeing Manager as well as a confidential counselling and advice service

  • Continue to check this page for updates as your child progresses throughout the exam season


Easter School Timetable

Extended Learning Timetable

Saturday School Timetable

Revision Calendar

Coming Soon