Welcome to Lower School

In Years 7 and 8, students are learning the expectations of Highfields. It is time for them to establish strong friendships, new habits and, most importantly, a sense of independence. Students are expected to be resilient and determined in order to succeed.

A variety of clubs are on offer before and after school, as well as at lunch times, to give students the chance to try new experiences and socialise with fellow pupils who share the same interests.

In Year 8, students take 'mini options' to allow for a greater specialism in subjects they most enjoy as they make the journey into Middle School.

For all letter and publications regarding students in Lower School please visit our Letters and Publications Page.

Head of Lower School
Ms  J Parker jparker@hswv.co.uk

 Year 7 Manager
Miss C Meese cmeese@hswv.co.uk

Year 8 Manager
 Miss S Brough sbrough@hswv.co.uk

Assistant Year Manager
Miss A Cooper acooper@hswv.co.uk

Assistant Year Manager
Mrs K Francis kfrancis@hswv.co.uk

Welcome Evening Presentations


Key dates for Year 7 students:


Key dates for Year 8 students:
