Britannica School Encyclopædia now available to all Highfields students

All of Highfields’ 1,800 students and staff now have complete access to the award-winning online resource, Britannica School, to aid their studies.

The school has invested in the resource, from Encyclopædia Britannica, to give students and their families 24/7 access to thousands of helpful learning tools and image libraries.

Students can reach the resource through the school website’s Office 365 link from any device including computers, laptops and tablets. 

The online encyclopædia is updated daily with articles, videos, images and educational games to help students with all of their learning needs and projects in every subject. It also features study guides focusing on specific topics such as essay writing - all designed to support students of all academic levels.

Headteacher, Mr M. Capel, said: “We are delighted that Britannica School is now available for all of our students and their families as well as staff.

“It can be used as a starting point when they are searching for information to help them with their homework, projects and research papers on the internet.

“It is wonderful that we are able to give our students access to so much information whilst being safe in the knowledge that our students will be exploring safe material from a trusted, non-biased and reliable source."

*Photographs courtesy of

Posted on March 24, 2016 .