Budding directors celebrate DIGI success

Budding movie directors from Highfields are celebrating after bagging prestigious DIGI Awards for films they created in school.

A talented group of filmmakers from Year 8 won the Best Short Film cate-gory (Key Stage 3) for their horror film, The Reckoning, which follows a school boy who takes revenge on his bullies. Sixth Form students, Ayesha Di’Angelo and Jemma Payne, also picked up an award for Best Short Film for their psychological drama, The Pretty Picture. 

The film was originally created as part of their A-Level course but was submitted to the DIGIs on the advice of Film Studies teacher, Mr D Cooper. It explores the story of a woman locked away and neglected by her husband after he ignores her mental illnesses.

Jemma said: “As soon as the film had been submitted we forgot all about it so being nominated for an award was a huge shock. The fact that we were even nominated was enough, but to actually win is just amazing.”

The DIGIs are held annually to celebrate the achievements of learners and teachers in digital film and creative media. This year’s ceremony took place on Monday, July 10th at the Grand Theatre, where members of the public and family & friends of the nominees gathered to celebrate the success stories. The theatre even laid on a red carpet for nominees to enjoy a true awards night experience. 

Mr Cooper said: “Both films were up against some stiff competition so it is a great achievement for them to have won their categories. They should feel very proud of what they have created."

To watch The Reckoning, click here

To watch The Pretty Picture, click here

Posted on July 20, 2017 .