'Getting Ahead' event to inspire students for exam success

Year 10 students getting reading to sit their school exams are being inspired to prepare properly so they can perform to their potential as part of a special ‘Getting Ahead’ event.

The event will be launched with a motivational assembly before specially-planned sessions to provide students with practical tips and revision techniques, including the ‘4Rs’ - Revisit, Reduce, Rehearse, Recall.

They will also be given advice on managing time and creating a manageable revision timetable.

Mr P Rose, Head of Middle School and Careers Leader, said: “The aim of the event is to inspire students to achieve their full potential and beyond in all of their exams.

“We want to provide our students with the skills they need to prepare and perform.

“Students should already be revising but if they haven’t yet started, the message is that it’s not too late - start now!”

The Year 10 exam fortnight commences on Monday 24th June.

Please click on the image below to open our ‘Getting Ahead’ booklet:

Posted on June 10, 2019 .