End of Term Celebration for Year 11


Students from Year 11 who achieved an all-green on their most recent progress review were invited to a special ‘Crème de la Crème’ lunch. It is more important than ever that our Year 11 students put the effort into their studies and ensure they work hard in lessons to progress towards their targets.

Titled ‘The school of achievers’, Upper School students must live up to the high outcomes set in previous years. With only 20 school weeks until the summer exams start it is crucial that students go into the new year with their heads focused on achieving the best grades they can. Events such as this really motivate students to do so, as they are rewarded for their efforts.


Students enjoyed a buffet lunch alongside ‘cake and cordial’ and all received a gift from the Upper School Team. Mr Treble, Head of Upper School said “These students thoroughly deserve this special treat, they have worked so hard during what has been a difficult term with many of them having to isolate on multiple occasions. We are all very proud of these students for achieving an all-green progress review and they are most certainly on track for success in their summer exams”

Posted on December 18, 2020 .