Covid testing areas created in school

Highfields’ sports hall and activity studio have been transformed into Covid testing centres to ensure the safe return of all staff and students in the coming weeks.

Lateral Flow Testing is already under way on site for the limited number of staff and students who have returned to school following the Christmas break.

But provisions have already been ramped up to enable mass testing in preparation for the green light being given for schools to return fully.

Five testing bays have been set up in the activity studio for staff and students, along with a further four bays in the sports hall for site staff, including caretakers and cleaners. The facilities allow for hundreds of tests to be delivered daily.

Since school partially returned after the Christmas break for selected students and those of key workers, staff on site are already receiving weekly tests, with slots available for them to book between 8am and 9am on Mondays to Thursdays. The tests will be available to students on site from next week.

The Government has indicated that the ability for schools to return after the February half-term is partly dependent on them having the capacity to deliver mass testing.

Headteacher, Mr G Tate, said: “We are continuing to develop our capacity to carry out Lateral Flow Testing in school.

“Staff and students who are regularly attending school during this period of closure are able to access weekly tests and we expect to be able to test all students on their return to school, whenever that may be.

“The ability for schools to deliver mass testing on site will factor into the Government’s decision-making process when it comes to fully reopening classrooms.

“We are delighted to have used this time to have developed our testing capacity to enable us to provide hundreds of daily tests and ensure the safest return of our students and staff when we are told this can happen.”

Despite schools being forced to remain closed due to the Covid pandemic, students from all year groups are benefiting from a comprehensive remote learning programme, with a full curriculum of live lessons being delivered via Microsoft Teams.

Mr Tate, said: “Whilst we were of course very disappointed that it has been necessary to close all schools for most students, we have been determined to make this period of remote learning as positive and worthwhile an experience for students as possible.

“We are continuing to teach our full curriculum during lockdown. The normal timetable is being delivered as live lessons via Microsoft Teams.

“We are clearly in a very fortunate position as a school with every student having their own HP Stream device, although we appreciate that there can be a whole host of challenges thrown up by remote learning, and have digital support available for anyone experiencing technical issues.

“Students are engaging well with their live lessons, and I would like to thank you all for your support as we navigate these unprecedented times.”

Posted on January 15, 2021 .