Work experience is The Way forward

A group of Year 10 students had the opportunity to learn new skills and gain an understanding of the World of Work at a special Work Experience provided by the Department for Works and Pensions. 12 students were invited to attend a three-day Work Experience Programme at The Way youth Zone in Wolverhampton city centre.


Sessions revolved around work stations from the world of work, with virtual employers in manufacturing and production, warehouse and packing and administration.  Students were given the opportunity to sample each work sector and develop real life skills that students can then transfer into future employment, an apprenticeship or college.

There were a number of fun and engaging team building exercises to build transferable skills such as communication, team work, leadership and above all, confidence.  At the end of the experience there was the opportunity for everyone to explore their aspirations.


Here’s what a number of students had to say about the experience:

Zack Newby: I really enjoyed the work experience and it was fun working there and learning new skills’.

Carl Hill: I had a fun time at The Way.  It improved my communication skills and teamwork skills and everyone there is very kind!

Sukhwinder Baglee:  I think the work experience was amazing because we experienced how the work place works. And getting to bond with friends probably the best 3 weeks we all have thanks for the opportunity.

Posted on April 8, 2022 .