YOU'RE HIRED! Year 12 practice interview skills with Microsoft

In an initiative aimed at equipping students with essential employability skills, over 50 Year 12 students at Highfields recently participated in mock interviews conducted by 10 esteemed professionals from Microsoft.

The day-long event, a cornerstone of the school's annual calendar, provided students with a unique opportunity to experience the intricacies of real job interviews. Prior to the interviews, students underwent a formal application process, mirroring the steps involved in a genuine job application. Only those who successfully secured an interview invitation had the chance to participate, adding an element of authenticity to the experience.

Throughout the day, students showcased their talents, aspirations, and potential to the Microsoft professionals, who offered valuable feedback and guidance tailored to each individual. From refining their communication skills and learning to articulate their strengths and ambitions, students benefited from the opportunity to engage with industry experts.

The mock interviews served as a stepping stone for students as they navigate their career journeys. By simulating real-world interview scenarios, the event instilled confidence and also provided invaluable insights into the expectations of prospective employers.

Highfields would like to thank Microsoft for their partnership and commitment to nurturing the next generation of talent. The school looks forward to continuing this tradition of excellence, empowering students to realise their full potential and pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.

Posted on May 7, 2024 .