Food Science and Nutrition (Level 3 Applied)
The level 3 applied food science and nutrition qualification allows students to gain a wealth of knowledge about the food and nutrition industry. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the relationship between the human body and food as well as practical skills for cooking and preparing food. Students will be able to consider employment in a range of different industries including the food and drink sectors of hospitality, catering, food production and manufacture and food retail. Tasks and units can be tailored to suit the needs of students, who can study for a certificate or a diploma.
GCSE Entrance Requirements:
English Language - Grade 4
Science - Grade 5
Food Preparation and Nutrition - Grade 5
Hospitality and Catering - Level 2 Merit
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Head of Department:
Miss B Chima -
Over the course, you will study three different units. Unit 1 “meeting nutritional needs of specific groups”, Unit 2 “Ensuring food is safe to eat” and Unit 3 “Experimenting to solve food production problems”.
Unit 1 will be taught throughout Year 12 and consists of an internal practical assessment in which you will be required to plan, prepare and cook a three course meal to meet a specific brief and an external exam which will have a focus on nutrition and healthy eating. Unit 2 is taught in Year 13 and focuses on how micro-organisms affect food safety and how food can cause ill health. This will be assessed through a written report in response to a given food safety scenario. Unit 3 is taught in Year 13 and allows students to use their understanding of food in order to plan and carry out experiments. The results of these experiments would be used to solve food production problems. All three units are equally weighted and are marked as either a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*.
The staff in the department have experience of teaching a wide range of food subjects. The Food Department has a proven track record of successful results at A-Level and Level 3 Applied courses and have prepared many students for successful applications to University. The department has a state of the art catering kitchen which will facilitate advanced skills in practical work.
The depth of understanding that you will gain will make you very attractive to employers and to admission tutors at Universities. Careers in Food include: Teaching, Restaurant Manager, food retail, food production, product development, Chef, Hotel Manager, Health Promotion, Nutritionist and Food Technologist.
Students who have been certificated this year have left with excellent results and a large number are continuing on to Food and Hospitality courses at local Universities.